Sunday, July 26, 2009

Agenda for CTK Africa 2009 Mission team June 16th – August 26th

1. Summer volunteers left June 16th to teach in the schools. They will join the team on August 6th.

2. Pastors/Leadershop Conference for 600 pastors and leaders from all over Africa. Pastor Felix and Mark Masucci leave on July 28th to begin preparations. Conference scheduled for August 5th - 8th. When the conference is completed, they will join the team.

3. Building a soccer field and coaching the exploding soccer ministry in Arusha. Nate and Jill will arrive to head up soccer ministry on August 6th. When not engaged in the soccer ministry they will join with the team.

Other Team Projects

1. Construction work on the Hope (Tumaini) Children’s Home in Arusha

2. Speaking, preaching and sharing in churches in the city of Arusha and in Masaai land.

3. Medical outreach clinics in Masaai villages in the bush as well as at the Medical Clinic we built in 2007.

4. Immunization Clinics at the base and in Masaai land

5. Children’s Ministry at Shalom Center for Orphans & Street Children and at Samaritan Village, home for abandoned children, both of which are in Arusha, Tanzania

6. Possible Children’s Ministry at Kyogo on the mountain and ministry to HIV/AIDS victims, orphans, children and adults outside Arusha

7. Planting an AWANA Club in Arusha at the base/Children’s home

8. Children’s ministry at CTK’s (Savior King Academy) in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Visiting CTK’s AWANA club plant at the school and ministry with our missionaries, Thomas & Beatrice Omolo and family.

In addition to the specific projects this team will be working on – they will be building relationships, sharing at local churches and with the YWAM staff, leading people to the Lord, bringing them much needed supplies and just loving them.