Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Today we drove up a mountain to play with 150 children in the Kyogoa area. We played on green grass, which was a first, as down below is very dry and dusty. However, on the way up the steep hill the vans got stuck in mud. The eagerly jumped out and pushed the vans through the muck. Everyone thought the ride up was an adventure. The road was extremely rough.

The children were waiting for us to arrive and greeted us with several songs. We played games, brought a lunch for the children, and played more games. Everyone was exhausted as we drove home.

Jacinta, Deni, Kim, Tom, and Jolene had the honor of meeting with about 15 adults with HIV before we left today. Jacinta encouraged them with good words, Deni gave a blessing over them and everyone received warm hugs before leaving.

Another great day serving in Africa.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you! Keep up the good work! God will be glorified in the dusty soccer games!!!
