Friday, August 14, 2009

Soccer Ministry

While I sit here today washing my laundry in a bucket . . .i am reminded of how very blessed we are. How many things we take for granted and how I am not very good at washing my own laundry.

As we watched the boys play in the semifinals of their soccer tournament last night, I am reminded again. They have no shinguards to protect their legs, and if they do they are made of cardboard. When they come off the field they trade jerseys as all they have are the ones donated to them and they do not each have their own. . .then they trade their shoes as they do not have their own shoes either. I wonder how they can fit each foot the same. We brought them water to the game today which is a treat. They never have water at their games. There is no net on their goalpost . .and it is made from timbers. The dust is flying so high when they play that I can barely see the ball. How do they breath? This is a hard fought game . . . these are not children playing but 16 to 18 year old boys. They are good kids, they play hard, and I never see them complain.

When I watch my own son play soccer back home . .it is a different story. They have the best of uniforms . . .in two different colors with matching shorts and socks. They have the best of shoes and shinguards to protect them. The grass is well manicured. We complain if it is not perfectly flat. When they are off of the field waiting to go back in we have a tent to protect them from the sun. We bring spray bottles to mist them when they are too hot. We bring snacks to keep up their energy and Gatorade to keep them hydrated. They are good kids and they play hard, but they still complain.

Thank God everyday for how very blessed we are and never take anything for granted.

Thank God for this soccer ministry and how it is changing lives. Thank God for a 16 year old boy named "Goodluck" who started in this soccer team two years ago when it was started. They tell us that he was just mere seconds away from joining a street gang. Instead, he became a member of this soccer team and has now become the leader of the team. Praise God.

Thank God for the fact that most of these boys are from Muslim families and they are now praying after every practice and before & after every game in the name of Jesus.

I sometimes wonder - why come all the way back to Africa to build a soccer field? Why not just send that money to them as they certainly could use it. Then I saw their faces and the pride they took in the fact that we came back. . .these Americans are not just throwing money at them and hoping to solve all their problems, but they are taking an interest in them . . .in their lives. . in their future. Making sure they finish school and become great Godly men. We have decided to let them help us finish the soccer field and also to maintain it. To take ownership in what God has blessed them with. . .as it will be the finest soccer field in the region. Hopefully it will bring many many more boys like Goodluck into the program and off of the streets.

Some people say "what can a game of soccer do for these boys?" . . .my answer to them now: the story of Goodluck. . .if a soccer field can save only one boy from gangs on the street and into a Godly life - then soccer has done it's job . . .but i am certain with all of my heart that it is God's plan for this ministry to reach many many many more boys . . .to bring them into a relationship with God, to give them a family, to get them off of the streets . . .and to give them a hopeful future.

Last night after the game (which they won!! and now are in the championships!!!) the boys joined into a circle . .arms around each other tight with their coaches Justus, Geoffrey and Nathan. They stopped for a minute and called me into their inner circle. . me, a "girl", into their "inner circle" . . and asked me to pray for them . . .I am now "officially" part of the team . . .more to come. . .

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